
Kidney Transplantation

Kidney Transplantation

Kidney Transplantation services offered in throughout SE Michigan

If you have kidney disease and your kidneys no longer function properly, you might be a candidate for kidney transplantation. At Hypertension Nephrology Associates, PC, in Livonia, Michigan, the specialists help manage this procedure for patients who qualify and have a kidney donor. Call the Detroit metropolitan area office to learn more or use the online booking feature today. 

Kidney Transplantation Q & A

What is kidney transplantation?

Kidney transplantation is a type of surgery in which a highly qualified surgeon replaces your damaged kidney with a new kidney from a donor, living or deceased. 

The treatment reduces the chance of life-threatening problems due to poor-functioning kidneys. Transplantation can dramatically improve the quality and longevity of your life. 

Why might I need a kidney transplant?

You may be a candidate for kidney transplantation if your kidneys have lost the ability to function the way they’re supposed to. The kidneys are just below your rib cage on both sides of your spine and are about the size of your fist. They remove excess fluids and waste from your body by producing urine.

A common reason for needing kidney transplantation is having end-stage renal disease (ESRD), a condition that occurs when the kidneys lose about 90% of their functional capacity. 

What are the risk factors for end-stage renal disease?

The common factors for developing ESRD include:

  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Heart disease
  • Kidney inflammation and scarring
  • Kidney failure
  • Family history of ESRD
  • Aging
  • Smoking
  • Excess body weight
  • Lack of exercise
  • Poor dietary habits

Taking good care of your body by adopting healthy habits is the best way to reduce your risk of ESRD and the need for kidney transplantation.

What are the benefits of kidney transplantation?

If you have kidney failure, you can reap numerous benefits after undergoing kidney transplantation. The procedure reduces the need to make dietary restrictions or undergo dialysis. It also increases your ability to feel better and live longer, offering a better overall quality of life and reduced treatment costs.

How should I prepare for kidney transplantation?

To get ready for kidney transplantation, you must wait for a donor that matches your blood type. You must also complete a medical evaluation at Hypertension Nephrology Associates, PC, to determine if you’re a candidate for the procedure and healthy enough to tolerate lifelong post-transplant medications. 

In addition to checking your vital signs and completing a physical exam, your provider might recommend glomerular filtration rate (GFR) testing, an MRI, a CT scan, X-rays, or a mental health evaluation to make a final assessment. 

What happens during the procedure?

After a Hypertension Nephrology Associates, PC, specialist finds a kidney donor match, you get a call to come to your assigned treatment center. 

You receive general anesthesia that makes you fall asleep and avoid discomfort. Your surgeon makes a tiny incision, removes a damaged kidney, and replaces it with a healthy donor kidney.

What should I expect after kidney transplantation?

After you undergo kidney transplantation, you can expect to spend up to a week in the hospital to recover. Your provider monitors your progress and watches for signs of complications. Take medications as directed, get plenty of rest, and avoid vigorous exercise and heavy lifting after surgery.

You can expect soreness around the incision site during the healing process but may be able to return to work after about eight weeks. Attend frequent follow-up visits with your Hypertension Nephrology Associates, PC provider, and continue to take medications as directed.

To find out if you’re a candidate for kidney transplantation, call Hypertension Nephrology Associates, PC, or schedule an appointment online today.